• Misc.
  • Natural sci.
  • Social sci.
• Automated test build
• Multiple choice/free response support
• Various multimedia formats
• Easy result evaluation and distribution
WebExam - a tool for efficient educational assesment:
Automated knowledge testing
Online exams and surveys
Automated testing - a way for unbiased classification of students
Czech universities, too, are subject to increase in number of students, which should lead to improved quality of human resources in developed countries. Contemporary lack of university department resources together with their poor financial condition, however, often give rise to tense in student-teacher interpersonal relations. This may result in bias in the students' evaluation process. The solution could be involvement of the computers in the assessment. Major advantages of the WebExam application include:

Experiences from universities in developed countries clearly show, that introduction of automated educational assessment improves the quality of the educational process due to high level of objectivity.

Sample courses and tests:
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