
"Foundation of  Biologicals s.r.o.  was a logical result of my many years of experience in the academic research as well as of my long-lasting co-operation with private biotechnology companies. Biologicals s.r.o. still has very good relationships with academic institutions as well as with private biotechnology subjects in Czech Republic and abroad."

RNDr.  Martin Pospíšek, PhD (Curriculum vitae)

Main activities:

ale of specialized equipment and chemicals for molecular biologists and genomic and proteomic laboratories
Consultancy in the field of molecular biology, genetics and modern biotechnologies including business consultancy
Research and Development including contract research
Development of new DNA based diagnostics
Development  and sale of new web-based testing software
Organization of meetings and conferences, providing web-based registration and payment system

Trade name: Biologicals s.r.o.
Address: Šrámkova 315, Říčany, 251 01
Tel.: +420-603979916
Fax.: +420-323601119 or +420-274773997
Web: http://biologicals.cz
E-mail: info@biologicals.cz
VAT Number: CZ27575837

Biologicals s.r.o. supports activities of Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology, Czechoslovak Society for Forensic Genetics and Czech RNA Club

Packing inserts, descriptions and links to our products.


You could meet us at these events: