Rozšířené hledání
- Odběrové soupravy
- Reagencie pro PCR
- Izolace DNA/RNA
- Electrophoresis Ladders
- Enzymes
- Cell-free Protein Synthesis
- Tris-NTA Amine/Biotin
- Protein Concentrator Spin Columns
- Density Centrifugation Media
- Western Blotting & Electrophoresis
- Transfekční činidla
- Dekontaminace (EtBr Destroyer a RNase Destroyer)
- Chemiluminescence and non-radioactive detection
- Produkty Cytiva
96-well Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Kit
FavorPrep ™ Plant Genomic DNA Kit je určen k izolaci genomové DNA a poskytuje rychlý a jednoduchý ..
6 474,00Kč
GenUP™ Blood RNA Kit
room temperatureFeaturesFast and simple procedureHigh quality RNA isolated from fresh and frozen, ED..
1 760,00Kč
10X LYO-ready CAPITAL™ 1-Step qRT-PCR Probe Mix with 2X qRT-PCR Probe Reconstitution Buffer
10X LYO-ready CAPITAL™ 1-Step qRT-PCR Probe Mixwith 2X qRT-PCR Probe Reconstitution BufferDopravné a..
11 348,00Kč
10X LYO-ready CAPITAL™ 1-Step qRT-PCR Probe Mix with 5X qRT-PCR Probe Reconstitution Buffer
10X LYO-ready CAPITAL™ 1-Step qRT-PCR Probe Mixwith 5X qRT-PCR Probe Reconstitution BufferDopravné a..
11 348,00Kč
2X PCR Master Mix, lyophilized
BR0101101 2X PCR Master Mix, lyophilized 50 reactions of 50 µl 4°C or RT ..
2X YourTaq™ Direct-Load Hot-Start PCR Master Mix
Dopravné a balné Transportní podmínky &nb..
3 060,00Kč 3 120,00Kč